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Dr. Victoria Richards学术报告

2019年11月15日 11:25  点击:[]

"Publishing in Nature Research journals"


Dr. Victoria Richards


Victoria obtained her PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2013, with research experience in the fields of metal-organic frameworks, surface self-assembly, molecular magnetism and main group chemistry. Victoria began her editorial career working on ChemComm and Chemical Science at the Royal Society of Chemistry, before moving to Nature Communications in 2016, where she managed the inorganic, materials and physical chemistry team. In September 2019, Victoria became Chief Editor of Communications Chemistry.









上一条:周震教授讲座 "从作者、审稿人和编辑的视角看学术论文的写作与发表" 下一条:Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schlücker学术报告
