接学校科技处通知,《自然》杂志执行主编(Executive Editor)Nick Campbell博士一行将于10月9日上午到访我校,与我校师生进行交流并就如何在Nature期刊公开获取以及如何在顶级期刊上发表论文进行主题演讲:《自然》、开放获取与你。
时 间:10月9日 上午10:00-11:30
地 点:生物站一楼报告厅
Nick Campbell 介绍
Nick Campbell现为《Nature》杂志执行主编(Executive Editor of Nature),Nature 出版集团(NPG)中华区总监(上海)。
Nick 于2001年加入Nature出版集团,自2012年9月起担任目前《Nature》杂志执行主编职务。近年来分别担任过《Nature Reviews Genetics》杂志编辑,以及 一系列遗传学方面相关杂志的执行主编,还担任过Nature出版集团亚太合作伙伴出版项目负责人等。Nick任《Nature》杂志的编辑主任时,使数字及印刷业务重整旗鼓。
教育背景:理学学士(荣誉),遗传学和动物学,阿德莱德大学;博士学位,进化和群体遗传学, Southern Cross University;博士后研究,University of Queensland。Nick先生的学士学位、博士学位及博士后研究领域为遗传学。
Nick Campbell is Executive Editor of Nature and leads Nature Publishing Group (NPG) in China (Shanghai).
Nick joined NPG in 2001 and has variously worked as an editor on Nature Reviews Genetics, Executive Editor of a suite of genetics journals, and leader of NPG’s Asia-Pacific partner publishing program. As the Managing Editor of Nature, Nick led a major digital and print relaunch. Nick took on his present role in September 2012.
Areas of responsibility include: Nature's external partnerships and supplements program.
Education: BSc (Hons.), genetics and zoology, University of Adelaide;PhD, evolutionary and population genetics, Southern Cross University; postdoctoral research, University of Queensland. Nick’s first degree, PhD and postdoctoral research were in genetics.