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Carlos R. Cabrera教授学术报告

2014年03月18日 00:00 admin 点击:[]

报告题目:Nanostructured Electrochemical Interfaces: From Li-Ion Battery Anodes to Synthesis of Fuel Cell Catalyst/Support Systems
报告人:Prof. Carlos R. Cabrera (University of Puerto Rico, USA)

Biography of Prof. Carlos R. Cabrera
Dr. Carlos R. Cabrera obtained his B.S. in Chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico. In 1987, Dr. Cabrera obtained his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry (Photoelectrochemistry) at Cornell University. His Advisor was Professor Héctor D. Abru?a and his thesis title was “Synthesis and Photoelectrochemistry of Polycrystalline Thin Films of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”. After spending two years as a postodoctoral fellow at University of Texas at Austin under the guidance of Dr. Allen J. Bard, Dr. Cabrera joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Peurto Rico. Currently, Dr. Cabrera is the University of Puerto Rico Associate Vice President for Technology and Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico. During the last 10 years, Dr. Cabrera has been the Project Director of the Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials (http://nanomat.uprrp.edu/). Dr. Cabrera has over 160 peer reviewed papers, 8 book chapters, an Co-Editor of a book titled Advanced Nanomaterials for Aerospace Applications (to be published in 2014) and two provisional patents.



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